I absolutely adore you two. you are the best of friends (most of the time) and I am so grateful you have one another. I got the best end of the deal... I get the pleasure and blessing of being your mom. You are so beautiful in your own unique ways. I love your innocence & charm. It completely overwhelms me when I think of how fast life passes us by. I secretly wish I could push the "pause" button in life every now and then to just hold each of you, the way you are, right in that moment. This is one of my favorite photos of the two of you together, it totally captures your sweet relationship. I miss you two when you are away... it literally rips my heart out each time you have to go. I am convinced no mother should EVER have to share her babies. But, I truly cherish the precious time we do get to spend together. thank you for all of the "lubs" and kisses, the cuddles and giggles, especially for making me feel like no matter how rough life can get, the sweetest joy and treasure I will ever possess is having each of you in our family. Lubs, mommy.  |
That is the most precious picture ever, you are one lucky momma aimee!