I have to take a second to update the blog and brag about the wonderful fathers in my life. I have been so very blessed with a great dad. He has always taken such great care of my mom and family. He has set a wonderful example of "PROVIDING" for his family. I truly admire this characteristic which he possess. Surprisingly, it is one not many fathers posses. Especially when I was a single mother, he was a great support to me and the kids. Now, I am blessed to be married to another outstanding father. It is amazing to look over the past year and see how his relationship with the kids has blossomed. I am so grateful for his willingness to be a father, and his constant desire to be the best he can be. He is a great at "PRESIDING" and "PROTECTING" our small family. I am grateful for both of these men and the priesthood they honor. I, along with many, are blessed by them daily. Love you both.
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